You’ve done it before: you’ve immediately left a website because it isn’t attractive. You’ve left, too, if you’re unable to navigate a the website. Time and again businesses have lost profits due to a poorly-designed website.

Having a captivating website is all about making a good first impression. You want people to be intrigued and to stay around long enough to get to know your company. A website with outstanding design conveys its level of care and professionalism. It also establishes an emotional connection to your audience through images. You want to be memorable and stand out from the crowd, not drown in the information overload. Take, for example, Robert Ober & Associates’ old website, which looks generic and hardly defines the company. With our custom design, Robert Ober & Associates’ new website is highly customized and detail-oriented, with large pictures to really show their services to the user navigating the website.

A good website is also a functional website. Nothing frustrates a user more than not knowing where to go or what to do. A majority of a website’s usage is user experience. You want a person viewing your website to have a positive experience and remember all the cool features instead of all the headaches it gave them. Our navigation involving all of Robert Ober and Associates’ services before the fold gives users easy access to what their company can do without having to scroll further down. You also want a user to return to your website multiple times and be able to use it as a tool for reference or to share it among friends.

The content of a website is equally important. While not everyone is a Pulitzer-prize-winning writer, it’s essential to have professional, high-quality copy, just like your business. Your company’s personality, culture, values and vision should be made apparent both visually and verbally. It’s important to keep in mind Google’s search engine when writing content. Using relevant and effective keywords throughout the copy helps to boost your website’s rankings and popularity in the search engine.

Websites are built to drive businesses. Without a great website, a business loses the opportunity to connect to its audience and grow. A successful website is a successful business, and we’re here to help you get there.

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